Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Rod Of Power
Again this morning I’d like to challenge us all to Christian service. We have been called to serve, but how many of us have been discouraged do to some fear along the way. In (Ex. 3+4) Moses was called by God to lead the nation Israel out of Egypt, but do to fear he tried to back out four times. Last week we dealt with his first two fears or excuses; 1) unworthiness and 2) un-preparedness. It’s very common to fear God’s service, but unless we submit and go we will never see God’s miracles. This week let’s look at the last two fears or excuses of Moses. 3) uncertainty. No one knows the future, but God did when He told Moses to take his rod or staff with him into Egypt. Symbolically, that rod was Christ. The rod or power of Christ is a promise to each of us, that if we will just go and take Jesus with us people will believe and be saved, but if we fear to go and make excuses, they won’t. 4) Moses felt unable. Moses looked at his inability of speech, made it an excuse, and angered God by it. Be careful not to look at what little you can offer, more than what God can do with your little. When we go in the power of Christ, and with (Word of God) in our hand, it doesn’t matter how we speak as long as we just speak. It’s His power and His Word that convicts the unsaved, not our abilities. So stop looking at what you don’t have, and trust in what you do have; Christ and His Word!