Wednesday, January 14, 2009
“Obedience of Abraham”
As we continue our study on the “Obedience of Abraham,” we learn from the story of Isaac’s birth, how easy it is to jump ahead of God, and mess things up when we're impatient. Abraham was 75 yrs. Old when God called him out and promised him a son through Sarah, and he was 100 years old when Isaac (the promised son) was born. Abraham and Sarah had to wait 25 yrs. for God’s promise to come to pass, and so we too must learn to wait or we'll grow impatient with the time schedule of God also. God does not work according to our schedule, nor will he stop us if we decide to jump ahead of His. So beware, God has everything under control even if it looks like He doesn't. Abraham fathered Ishmael from his wife’s handmaiden, because Sarah and Abraham grew impatient, and look at the problems that one act of impatience had on the nation Israel and this world. Impossibilities, years of time, old age, disappointments, hard circumstances, etc., are no match for the miracle working power of God. What He promises, He will bring to pass in His time and in His way. So learn to wait patiently on God and His Word, and you will see them fulfilled every time.