Wednesday, February 4, 2009


One thing that I have learned over the years and that I have tried to teach others, is that you cannot change your past but you can your future. Regret is an awful thing to live with, and unless we determine now to obey the known will of God for today, tomorrow will most assuredly be something we regret. Take salvation for instance, God’s Word tells us that eternity is forever. So why do so many people give so little attention to it now? The Bible tells us in (Luke 16:19-31) that not everybody is going to make it to heaven, that hell is a real place, and that once you’re there, there’s no getting out. According to my Bible, Hell is full of people that regret for all eternity not caring about spiritual things. Who put money and the cares of this world before God. Who when they lived, lived for self and selfish pleasures, not realizing that this life is only a drop in the bucket when it comes to eternity. And, who now suffer forever the torture and agony of Hells fire. Even Christians some how fail to realize that we only have so much time to reach our relatives, our towns, and our world for Christ. Why do we waste so much time on things of no value, when the valuable things like God and souls get so little attention ?