Sunday, May 3, 2009
Spiritual Integrity
As we continue our series on the life of David, one the greatest characteristics of David was his Spiritual Integrity. Spiritual Integrity comes from a heart that places God above the things of this world, the Word of God above the word of men, the authorities of God above our pride, and a love for God’s people above our self. As we read this story in (1 Samuel), we see that for nearly 17 years David had to hide and run for his life because King Saul was corrupted by his pride, bitterness, jealousy, and a lack of respect for God’s people and His Word. His only thought was to destroy David, not realizing that in David’s heart, there was only respect and love for this King that God had placed in authority. We might ask ourselves, how can two people think so differently? It’s easy when one forgets to put God and His Word first. David did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, because his heart was governed by the integrity of God’s Word, and not by his flesh.