Saturday, October 24, 2009
As the Bible tells us
As the Bible tells us, when someone gets saved they receive from God His indwelling Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit has been placed within us to comfort us, guide us, and abide with us forever. So a good question would be, “how then does He communicate with us?” Does He talk to us audibly? Well, the answer is both yes and no. Since God is Spirit, His voice does not speak to us as man speaks, but rather he impresses upon our hearts and minds spiritually His voice at different times. 1) He speaks to us through His Word. As we read God’s Word, it’s not uncommon to hear the voice of God instruct us. When we come to church and sit under the preaching and teaching of His Word, the Spirit speaks. Although it’s not as man speaks, it’s heard just as clear. 2) He speaks to us in prayer. Prayer is communication with God. God speaks in a still small voice, and many times He reveals to us His will in ways that although we don’t hear Him audibly, we just know. 3) He speaks as we yield ourselves to Him. His voice can be heard as a command to witness to someone, or to serve, or to give, or to just do. The Spirit desires our obedience, but we grieve (offend) Him when we sin, and we quench Him (put out the fire) by telling Him “No,” when commanded. If we want to here His voice, we must yield ourselves to listen for His voice.