Tuesday, April 20, 2010
How important is good behavior in the Church of God?
“…that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. How important is good behavior in the Church of God? According to the above verse, very! Why? 1) Because it is God’s house, and therefore God has ordained its order, organization, authority, and intended reverence. 2) It’s the Church of the living God. We are the “called out assembly.” Living testimonies of His grace, called out of the world to serve a living God by being living sacrifices. We are the bride of Christ, His body, and active participants, whereby we are to strive to be constantly growing, and constantly reproducing Christ in ourselves and others. 3) It’s the pillar of truth. The Church is to be a support system holding up the truth of God’s Word in a world that is constantly trying to tear it down. We the church are to elevate it by our love and obedience to it. We may not be the most popular people in town, but we ought to be the most honest, the hardest working, and the most godly. 4) It’s the ground of truth. A place of refuge, fellowship, and nurture, where by all who come to Christ are nourished by the fruit of God’s vineyard.