Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cast it down and destroy it, before it is too late!

(2Co 10:5) “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God…” In the O.T. whenever God introduced a new King, He always mentioned the words, “ he did right in the eyes of the Lord,” or “he did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” Time and time again, the Lord was displeased with Israel and Judah for not tearing down the high places that were erected by Solomon (because of his ungodly wives), and Jeroboam, Israel’s first king of the northern tribes. The high places were places erected to sacrifice to devils and false gods, and God instructed Israel long before to get rid of them utterly or their children would find them. Only one King (Hezekiah) out of 40 kings of Israel, had the spiritual obedience to destroy them, and as a result God brought a great revival. A few weeks back we had revival meetings and many of us made decisions to change, but the question is have we kept our word. In the above verse, God is instructing us to tear down the high places, and to stop making excuses for why we let them remain. Israel did so, and as a result their children found them, and fell away from the God of heaven. All because they thought it was no big deal to keep them around. Don’t be surprised, if that sin you keep around ends up being the very sin that your children pick up on and worship. Cast it down and destroy it, before it is too late!