The Backslider In Heart
(Prov. 14:14) “The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways:” I’ve never yet met a backslidden Christian that didn’t have an excuse for why he/she is living contrary to scripture. A backslider knows that he is not living right, for he has convinced himself that the way he is living is justified, even though God says in the above verse that it’s not. This world is constantly antagonistic to the ways of God, and we must be on guard at all times least we slip back into the ways and thinking of our past. This slipping backward is not fast but slow, a bit here and a little there and before we know it, we are outside the will of God looking in. But there is a way back. In (Rom.12: 1-3) 1) God tells us to “present” our bodies back to the Lord, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. This is a recognition of a wrong direction, and a re-dedication to the correct way of God. 2) We need to “transform” our thinking. The backslider must re-fill again his heart and mind with God’s Word. An acceptable sacrifice is one that is practiced in agreement with God’s Word. 3) “Prove” the will of God. Practice the first two, but prove the third. Talk is cheap, practicing the known will of God proves to God and others that you have indeed repented. Everyone slips, but the consecrated remain !