Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Now in Christ
As we continue looking at walking in after the Holy Spirit of God in (Rom. 8), we see also that God gives us much encouragement along the way. 1) We have the encouragement of heir-ship. In (v.14-17), we see that, at the moment of salvation we became “sons of God,” and also “heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.” Now in Christ we have been given not just a new family (Church) to encourage us, but also a future glory to look forward to as well. Praise the Lord that now in Christ, what God has given Jesus he will one day share with us. 2) We have the encouragement of helpers. Now when in need or in distress, all we have to do is cry “Abba Father,” and He promises to help. We also have The Holy Spirit’ help. The Bible tells us in (chp. 8) that as we travel our journey, the Holy Spirit is in constant communication with the Father, revealing to Him God’s will for our lives. So that when we know not the way, or when we can’t or don’t pray as we ought, the Spirit of God is constantly praying for us, so He can guide us. For God promises in His Word, that “He will never leave us or forsake us.”