Monday, February 6, 2012


In (Rom.Chp.12) the most important character quality of the Christian, is love. We have been command here in this chapter to practice love by "being kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love," and as we continue, we also see that in order for us to treat one another with this affection it is important that we 1) "bless, and curse not." This teaching comes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. You see, it's not so easy to do good back to people that do bad to you, but the command is still the same regardless. We are to bless back. 2) "Rejoice with them that rejoice, and weep with those that weep." It's easy to weep with those that are down, but it's not so easy to rejoice with those who are blessed and we're not. So love does not envy the success of others, but rejoices with them. 3)"Mind not high things" Love does not elevate itself above others or judge some as less important. Conceit is a terrible sin that chooses to elevate self, and look down on others.