Saturday, June 9, 2012
One of the greatest stories in all the Bible concerning motherhood is the story of Hannah (1 Sam. Chp.1). Hannah was one of the two wives of an Ephrathite man called Elkanah. Now, as the story goes Hannah was barren and the other wife blessed with children, and so Hannah prayed to the Lord for a man child, promising God that she would give him back to him once he was weaned. Well, God heard her prayer and answered it by the birth of Samuel the prophet, and as she promised she gave him back to the Lord at the young age of 3 or 4yrs. Hannah was a perfect example of a godly mother, in that: 1) She saw her child as a gift from God. The Bible says,"Children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb his reward." 2) She was obedient herself. She was a demonstration of faithfulness. The only Bible that a young child can know before they can read, is mom. 3) She devoted the raising of Samuel to the Lord. One of the purposes of God giving us the ability to procreate, is to train up a "heritage for Him." Having children is good thing, but training them to serve the Lord isa great privelage.