Friday, December 28, 2012
Prince of Peace
As we continue to look at the names of Jesus Christ in (Isa. 9:6), we see that Jesus is also called, "The Everlasting Father, And The Prince of Peace." In the above verse, the use of the definite article "The" means that the title belongs exclusively to Jesus, He is the one and only 1) "Everlasting Father." "Everlasting" in that his fatherhood, unlike our temporal and sinful fathers of our flesh, will be forever and ever. Those of us who are saved have been adopted into his family, and are now joint-heirs with him in his everlasting kingdom. We are now his children who have the right to call him "Aba Father" (Rom. 8:15, or "Our Father." (Ps. 68:5) says that he is a father to the fatherless, and a protector of the widow, for he will receive whosoever; be it the unloved, the needy, the poor, or the sinful, anyone that calls upon him. 2) He is "The Prince of Peace." "Prince," meaning the captain of our peace. All who follow him as captain will find the true peace and forgiveness of God. He's didn't come to bring the type of peace that the world thinks, but rather he came to reconcile man with God, and His peace has no end (Isaiah 9:7).Oh listen, if you want the forgiveness of sin, and an everlasting peace with God, then receive God's free gift this Christmas. Repent and receive Jesus Christ