(2Tim. 3:1) "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves…" In the above verse the Apostle Paul speaks of a time in history that will be plagued with difficulty, as well as a people who are given over to the sin of "selfishness." The people spoken of here will be both saved and unsaved, apathetic, apostate, and backslidden. Men that "oppose themselves," and who have allowed themselves to been taken captive by Satan's lie of selfishness. Selfishness is a terrible sin that infects not only us, but all who come in contact with us. 1) How are we infected by it? When we begin to love ourselves more than God. Selfishness believes that the world revolves around us, and that we are the most important people in it. It causes us to disobey the known will of God to serve our plans and desires. 2) How can we avoid it? Love God above all loves in your life, and practice charity serving others. A man/woman that serves God and others has very little time to be so concerned about himself. 3) How to stop being selfish? (2 Ti. 2:26)"Recover yourself out of the snare of the devil." Repent & Confess this sin to God, and then walk humbly and submissively in obedience to the Lord.