(1John 1:4) "And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full." As we are reminded in 1 John, it is very possible to have a full joy in life. Satan loves to steal the joy of all who will not repent nor listen to the Word of God. And so the second lie that we tell ourselves, that causes us to lose our joy is found in (1: 8), "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 1) Salvation. If we will not admit to God that we have sinned and need forgiveness, we cannot be saved because we deceive ourselves into rejecting God's truth. 2) Joy. If we deny the fact that we have sinned, or hide sin within us, we not only lose the Lord's mercy but also our joy. Too many believers today have hidden sins, deep and rooted within them. Sins that they justify sometimes because of the offences of others. Sins such as un-forgiveness, hatred, jealousy, resentment, guile, anger, and selfishness. Brethren it's the secret sins that cause the most harm in your life. So be wise and bring all sin into the light and confess them, and your joy will be full again!