Over the years I have talked with many Christians about the subject of Church membership. Some Christians believe that because they are saved, that they are automatically a member, while others simply just deny the fact that they need to be. Well, does it really matter if you are member of a local church? Biblically, Yes! Two words that our generation does not like today are accountability, and commitment. Why, because both words place oneself under a mutual obligation with another. For example, marriage is a covenant before God between two people, while living together is not. One cannot walk away from a marriage easily, but where no agreement or commitment is, one can. The same is true with being a member of a local church. Becoming a member means that you must place yourself under the accountability of that church and commit yourself to it. Not becoming a member means that you are accountable to no one, but is that biblical? Be careful not to adopt the world's philosophy of saying, I don't have to when God commands us in His Word to become a part of a local church. The reason that so many Christians today avoid a commitment to a local church is not due to fear, but rather accountability!