(1Co 12:18) "But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him." As the above verse teaches, every member of a local church has been called and placed into that body by God for a purpose. Please note that it's not for our purpose but His pleasure. It's God that decides where we will attend and in what capacity. Over the years I have been asked by many Christians what I thought they ought to do in the church. My answer has always been the same, find something to do and then do it. Clean the church, work in the nursery, volunteer, and help out where you can. God never uses lazy people. Since it is God and not me that placed you here, it's His job to direct you into your ministry. To many of us worry too much about what we are called to do, rather than just helping out and serving now! I have learned that if we will just do now, God will direct us into what "pleases him." No one ever starts out at the top, and only the faithful and humble find their spiritual place in the body of Christ. So serve, and God will do the rest!