Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, commemorating what we call his “Triumphal Entry.” Crowds of Jews cheered and laid palm leaves in his way as they gave glory to God for this mighty man that was able to do many miracles among them. As he rode into Jerusalem they cried, “Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest,” but little did they realize the great significance of his coming. On that same day nearly 1500 years earlier, Moses instructed Israel to choose out a lamb on the 10th day of April, to be slaughtered on the 14th day. It was a Passover lamb who's blood was to be spread upon the door posts & lintels to protect the first born of Israel from the angel of death in Egypt. 1500 years later on the Sunday we call "Palm Sunday," God’s chosen lamb (Jesus) entered Jerusalem to lay down his life for us. He entered Jerusalem on the 10th and was killed on the 14th which was Thursday. Brethren, God was the one who gave Jesus to us as the final sacrifice for sin, so that whosoever after will put their faith and trust in him could be saved.