(Rom. 8:28) "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." There is probably not a better lesson to learn in life than the lesson that the above verse teaches. God wants all believers to know that whatever happens to us in this life, that He will use it for our good and his purpose, if we continue to love and trust him. God in his sovereign will, chose us, and called us to fulfill his will in this life, so that we accomplish that which he has already purposed for us to do. In short, whatever happens to us is already approved and purposed for his glory and our good. God never causes bad things to happen to you, but he does use them to build in us his character, so that we might use it for a better good. In the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, God used the bad things that Joseph's brothers did to him, the years of being imprisoned falsely, and the wisdom that he gained along the way, to build in him the character and ability of a great leader who not only saved Egypt from famine, but who also brought Israel into Egypt to fulfill the will of God