(Gen. 24:27) "…I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren." This verse was spoken by Abraham's servant immediately after God revealed to him that He chose Rebekah to be the wife of Isaac, Abraham's son. Abraham's servant by faith left on his journey knowing only the known will of Abraham his master, and the place he was to go. The blessing of knowing the perfect will of God only came after he realized that he was divinely led by God the whole way. God seldom reveals all the details as He guides his servants in the way. Many people try to make the will of God mysterious, and hard, but God simply just asks us to do that which we know to do, resting by faith in Him until He reveals the next step to us. Brethren we are always in the perfect will of God when we obey the known will of God for today. Abraham's servant is a great example of what it's like to walk in the way and will of the Lord, trusting only in God to reveal the next step. Until then we must simply trust His Word, until God shows us more. So, don’t worry about finding the will of God, If your obedient to the known will of God today, God’s will, will find you!