(Ex. 12:13) ". and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the
plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of
Egypt." Pharaoh and Egypt have always been pictures in the Bible of the
flesh, or sin, or bondage. For 430 years Egypt held Israel in bitter
slavery, and it wasn't until God sent his deliverer Moses unto them that
they were given hope, but it wasn't Moses that delivered Israel from their
cruel bondage, it was the blood of a lamb! For centuries the Jews have
celebrated the Passover in remembrance of the night on which the blood of
the lamb kept them from the final plague of God upon Egypt, but little did
they know that that lamb represented Jesus who would come some 1400 years
later. And, just as the angel of death passed by the homes of those who were
under the blood of the lamb, so will God's final judgment of hell, and
condemnation pass by those that have been saved and born again by the blood
of his cross. Just as Egypt held Israel in slavery so the guilt of sin holds
mankind, but thank God that God sent us our deliverer Jesus Christ to shed
his blood as a lamb, to make every repentant sinner "perfect" (Heb.10:14)
through his final blood sacrifice! Praise His Name!