For centuries churches have been divided over the true meaning of the “Lord’s Supper." Does it save you? Are we actually eating the Lord’s body & blood? Does it impart some type of saving grace when you receive it? Well depending on which church you belong to, beliefs differs. I have always said that you can tell what a church believes about the Lord’s Supper by what they believe about salvation. That’s why it’s so important that we know the scriptures. The Lord Jesus Christ on the same night of his betrayal introduced to his apostles what is called the “Lords Supper.” Jesus used the Passover meal to symbolically teach us about the Passover's true meaning and about his great redemptive death on the cross. Jesus taught us that the bread and wine symbolically pictured the death of his physical body, and the shedding of his blood as a covering for our sin. His purpose was to teach to us the importance of remembering often his great sacrifice for our sin, lest we forget. Jesus never taught that he miraculously indwelt the elements on the table, for he is already present in those that are born again and at the table. Therefore it is not a way to be saved, but rather a way to remember his sacrifice often so that we stay close and in love with our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!