(Judges 13:5 "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. … (24) And the woman bare a son, and called his name Samson: and the child grew, and the LORD blessed him." It's hard to understand but the blessing of God was upon Samson even though Samson himself was not a very godly man. Samson was commanded by God to keep a Nazarite vow, which was a vow of personal separation and consecration, but although Samson kept not the vow perfectly he was still blessed by a Holy God. It's hard to understand sometimes why God uses us even though we are not perfect. Samson was a sinner, he was a known liar, unfaithful to his Nazarite calling, disrespectful to his parents, a womanizer, proud, arrogant, rude, and angry, and yet God still used him to deliver Israel. Brethren, what we need to see from this story is that God never called Samson to perfectness, but he did call him to do His will. Sometimes we as believers think that because we're not perfect, or sinless we cannot be used. Listen, God will always hate our sin, but He will never stop loving us because of it, for He desires to share His blessings with us despite us. And there is something else we need to see, Samson was not powerful because of his own righteousness, He was powerful because of God's Spirit was upon Him, and Christian by the way that Holy Spirit is the same Spirit that dwells in us today!