(Rom. 12:10) "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;" Just how important is the love of Christ to those we come in contact with? Important enough for God to command us 24 times in (Romans Chp.12) to practice it! You might say I don't see the word love written 24 times? No, but it's taught in application just as it is in the above verse. Jesus didn't think like us, nor did he respond to others like us either. No, he placed his problems and feelings second to those of others, so that the other person would experience the help and brotherly love of God through him. One thing that I have learned about people over the years is that we all go through trials and blessings. Each of us have bad days and good, hurtful days and blessed, problem days and joyful, and so if we experience low times so do others as well. Our job as a Christian isn't to throw salt on the wounds of others but rather to be a salve of comfort and grace. Too often we get so wrapped up in our own world that we don't see that the others around us might have a greater need. "Kindly affectioned" people realize that they haven't been called to a life of selfishness, but rather a life given over to helping others. God's command therefore is to love others by placing their needs even above ours!