(Eph. 6:2-3) "Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth." Mother's Day is a day that is set aside by man to honor mothers. Once in a year we are asked to give respect and appreciation to the one that not only birthed us, but that taught and nourished us up in this life. She is honored because of the godly example that she portrays. 1) (M)erciful. Mess up, fail, lose, get hurt, or whatever, mom will always be there to pick up the pieces. 2) (O)bedient. God has placed her in a role of both authority and submission, and through her own obedience she reflects upon her children both as she teaches them right from wrong. 3) (T)rust. A godly mom will give up her last morsel of food to feed her children, and though all others forsake us or abandon us in life she will never. 4) (H)ome. A godly mom's home is her life. She decorates it, and prepares it well just as a mother bird feathers her nest so that her young are safe and well cared for. For her family and home is her life. 5) (E)xtraordianry and (R)eliable. She is able to wear many hats and still have time to always be there. For even after we grow up and leave her nest, she will even carry her love for us to her grave! All these traits cannot help but reflectl M-O-T-H-E-R.