(Rev. 19:1) "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. At the end of the 7 year tribulation period, God's Word tells us that Jesus Christ will return to this earth. His purpose is three fold; 1) To fight for Israel and destroy the armies that have surrounded her. 2) To judge the nations of this earth and to separate the saved from the unsaved. 3) To set up his kingdom upon this earth, where he will reign for a thousand years. And so, in the above verse heaven opens once again to allow Christ to come to this earth to fight for Israel. The first time heaven opened was at Jesus's ascension to receive him up into glory (Acts 1:11), the second time heaven opened was for him to come in the Rapture for his bride (the Church), the above verse is the third time. You See the first time Jesus came to this earth it was to save men from their sin, the second time it will be to judge men for their sin. The second coming of Jesus will be in accordance with truth and righteousness, for the only people of this earth that will be judged with hell and destroyed will be those that refuse to repent of their wickedness and sin. It is sad but his judgment has been the same throughout the ages, for the Bible says that God does not wish that any should perish. So if any man does perish, he perishes of his own choosing!