Sunday, April 26, 2009


Standing in the face of opposition is not something that comes naturally to us. In fact most Christians would rather run from the battle than endure the conflict, but no victory was ever won by running or ignoring the enemy. John Wesley, a great man of faith once said, “Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I will shake the world. I care not if they be clergymen or layman; for such alone will overthrow the kingdom of Satan and build the kingdom of God.” There is a true story of a general, who during one battle of the Civil War refused to run even though a great number of Confederate soldiers under his command began to retreat. Later, these same soldiers who observed the courage and fearlessness of this general stated, “there stood Jackson like a stone wall.” Thereafter, he was called “Stonewall Jackson.” Oh how we need men and women today with such courage, who like King David of old, looked not upon the size of the enemy but rather upon the power of God. (Eph.6:11) says, “be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Standing always comes before a victory.
Therefore stand in the power of Christ, & claim the victory !

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Nine times in (John 15), Jesus uses the word “abide,” to illustrate to us the importance of remaining in a close fellowship with Him. He stated that he is “the true vine,” and that we who believe in Him are the “branches,” and that we cannot “bear fruit” unless our branch “abides” in the vine. This chapter has been misinterpreted by some to teach that our (our salvation) can be removed by the Father if we bear not fruit, but I thank God that Jesus didn’t teach that here. Here, Jesus is just revealing to us that the Father is pruning our lives to help us bear more fruit. So to abide in Christ, 1) We must first be saved. No salvation, means no connection in the vine of Christ. 2) We must live in His Word and obey His commandments. He said that we are “clean through the word.” The Word of God not only cleanses us in salvation but it keeps us clean in our daily walk with the Lord. Jesus promised us here that if we keep His commandments, and abide in Him and His love, that we will not only bear “much fruit,” but experience answered prayer, and a joy in the Lord that remains. He also said that “ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.” It’s hard to imagine trading of the friendship of Christ for a friendship with this world. The only reason for not experiencing the above, is by not Abiding in Christ!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

“Behaving wisely”

Again, as we study the life of David, we read in (1 Samuel 18) that David had a right relationship with God, because “he behaved himself wisely.” 1) We learned last week that we need to take heed to God’s (every) “word” and “command.” David behaved himself wisely because he took seriously God’s word. But this week, it’s important to see from David’s life that we also need to learn 2) to take heed to what we let into our hearts. As (Pr 4:23) says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” David had a heart and mind that was full of faith, and courage, and respect for God and the things of God, and his mighty power was a direct result of a heart that just simply desired what God desired. This world is full of doubt, but there was no room in David’s heart for I can’t, or I won’t, or negative thinking. What an example of faith to us today. 3) So take heed that you behave wisely, because like David we too are going to go through hard times, and like David we also need to respond wisely. David never complained about the terrible things that Saul did to him, but rather he just kept obeying God, and serving his Lord. So “Behaving wisely” is just simply wisely obeying God's Word!

“He behaved himself wisely.”

As we study the life of David, we read in (1 Samuel 18) that David had a right relationship with God, because “he behaved himself wisely.” As Christians, God expects us to obey every “word” and “command.” David behaved wisely because God’s word was not optional, in fact in ( 1 Kings 15:5) God says that he “turned not aside from anything that the Lord commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.” We need to remember that God is always specific in His Word, and He expects us to obey every “jot and title,” and not just the parts that we feel comfortable with. God’s Word is specific about salvation being only through Jesus Christ, it is specific about baptism, tithing, holiness, sin, divorce, marriage, church, etc., and so we must be specific also. Be careful not to practice an incomplete obedience when God demands a complete one. So, “behaving ourselves wisely” demands that we not rebel against God’s Word, nor stubbornly choose our will over His. Behaving wisely then is very wise.