Sunday, December 28, 2014

And God Became Man

Pastor's Corner  (Gal. 4:4-5) "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." As we conclude the Christmas story, it's important to remember that man is not saved or redeemed by the birth of Christ, but rather by his death. For complete salvation can only come about through the redeeming sacrificial death of an innocent one. That's why Jesus came, "made of a woman," and "made under the law." God required a perfect sacrifice to free us from sin. So, "God sent forth his Son  made not of the seed of men, but rather the seed of God. He was born righteous, perfect, and obedient to the law of Mosses, and because of him we too can become the righteous sons of God through him, not by our own works of righteousness but by simply trusting in him. Thank God for the unspeakable gift of Christ who left the glory of heaven to dwell among us, who died in our place, and gave himself for our sins!




Sunday, December 21, 2014

Have you any room for Christ?

(Luke 2:7) "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in
swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for
them in the inn." Ever since I first heard this verse as a little boy, I
have been challenged by the fact that when Jesus Christ was born, there was
"no room" for Mary and Joseph to have their baby. When I was a child I would
watch a movie about the birth of Christ, and be saddened when the Inn keeper
said to Joseph, "no room." And all my life I have never have forgotten those
words, words that the Holy Spirit uses to convict me of my heart attitude at
different times. For, it's real easy to get side tracked, to fill our lives
with the things of this world and have "no room" for the spiritual. It's
easy to get wrapped up in work and other things that cause us to neglect
church, people, and God's  service. It's easy to become too involved in the
carnal, where we no longer have time for God and His work. So, how can we
know if we have " room" for Christ today? Take a piece of paper and write
down everything you do for Christ through your local church, leave off
church attendance, and then write down what you used to do. It's amazing how
easy it is these days to push Jesus into the stable, and have "no room" for
him in our homes and lives anymore!

The Archangel Gabriel

(Luke 1:19) " And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that
stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew
thee these glad tidings." The angel Gabriel spoke these words to Zacharias
the father of John the Baptist, proclaiming beforehand John's birth. Gabriel
was also the angel that visited Mary with the announcement that she would
give birth to Jesus Christ. Gabriel is God's chosen messenger of glad
tidings. (Heb. 1:14) tells us that all angels are, "ministering spirits,
sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation," but why is
Gabriel mentioned by name? Well, the above verse says that he stands "in the
presence of God," and in (Daniel 8:16) Gabriel was "caused to fly swiftly"
to give Daniel God's vision. You see, Gabriel is (The) messenger of God, and
even though there is only one archangel mentioned in scripture, (Michael)
the defender of Israel (Dan. 12:1), most scholars believe that Gabriel was
one as well. The term "archangel" means "chief angel," and certainly Gabriel
is one of the chief ones, for Gabriel was the only one given the privilege
of proclaiming the greatest announcement ever made to man,  the birth of
Jesus Christ!