Sunday, August 24, 2008
Beware of False Teachers Part 2
I’ve been preaching over the past few weeks about false teachers and how their teachings enter our minds, and churches secretly. Today I will be preaching on the “scoffer.” A scoffer is someone who mocks and ridicules the truth found in the Word of God. In other words it’s someone who does not believe the Bible to be inerrant, but rather just another book of facts and proverbs. In (2 Peter 3), Peter exhorts the church to be aware of what the Bible teaches so that our faith will stand not in the wisdom of men but rather in the truth of God. You see the promises of God are not bound by our time schedule but rather God’s Word. Scoffers laugh and mock at the Word of God because it cannot be proved right now, and because God is not someone who can be dissected and figured out scientifically. Peter reminds us that God’s promises have always come true in the past, and there is no reason to doubt that they will come true in the future. Our faith is not based on sight, nor on the here and now, but rather on simply taking God at His Word. A scoffer cannot except this, and so he/she looks to find ways to disprove the Bible even if they have to interpret the way they want. “beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness”