Over the past few weeks I have been preaching out of (2 Peter Chp 2) on the subject of being “beware of” false teachers and their ways. Last week I dealt with the “Plan”“Plight” of those that follow their ways. It’s very important for every person to realize (Rom.2:2) “that thejudgment of God is according to truth.” If we follow truth we will be judged faithful, but if we follow error we will be found as guilty as any other one who chooses error. It doesn't matter if we were deceived, we will be judged for what we choose to believe in this life. of false teachers, but today I will be preaching on the In (2 Pet. 4-6), God reminds us of the angels that followed Satan, that He “spared them not,” nor did he spare the men and women of Noah’s flood , or the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, because they new the way of God, but chose the false way of wickedness to their own damnation. How sad to have known the way of truth, and to suffer eternally for no choosing it. As a Christian you also can be deceived. Oh, you can't lose your salvation, but you can suffer the loss of rewards at the judgment seat of Christ. But just imagine those that think they are saved but are really not, because they follow a person, or religion, or popular way above the way and Word of God. So, Beware, eternity is not something to play with, for God promised that His judgment is sure !