Monday, March 16, 2009
As Christians we have been given ears to hear and eyes to see and understand God’s mysteries, but we have also been given a heart that is capable of bearing much fruit for God. Jesus said that from out of the heart comes the “issues of life.” “Issues” meaning the purposes behind what we do, and the why we go the direction we go. For example, if a Christian’s heart is right, then that Christian’s desire will be to please God and to bear much fruit, but if the heart is not after God, it cannot bear fruit at all. In God’s Word, Jesus tells us that there are 4 different types of hearts that hear the Word and yet handle it differently. 1) Hard Heart. Hears the Word, yet refuses to listen to it. You might say well this person is definitely unsaved. Not true. Christians often harden their hearts after hearing God’s Word, and refuse to change and repent. 2) Stony Heart. This heart has no real root of faith, and as a result lives life more with excuses than in Christ’s Word. This heart argues more for why they can still sin, then for why they should stop. 3) Weedy Heart. Is a heart that is cumbered about with too many things. It is so busy in the world that it forgets about the things of God. It’s so involved in the things of this world that it has no time to bear fruit, yet serve. But, 4) A Good heart. Is a heart that does not question God’s Word, but it just obeys God, serves, and bears fruit. Which one is yours?