Saturday, March 21, 2009
(1Co 3:6) – “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” Revival week is upon us, and again I do so appreciate all of you that have prayed and invited people to come out. Sometimes we may develop the attitude that praying and inviting people doesn’t work, but then we forget that it’s God that brings the increase, not us. Praying petitions God by faith to act, much like praying for the rain of heaven to germinate a seed, and inviting people is like a farmer faithfully planting his seed in his field. You might say, “well nobody listens, nobody cares, or comes out when I ask them.” Stop right there, and remind yourself how God worked in your heart before you were saved. People are complicated beings, and at times very busy, and so we need to stay focused on the fact that God is at work behind the scenes. Stop telling yourself that praying and inviting doesn’t work. It does, a seed can’t grow unless it’s planted. So plant and pray for increase. I like you get frustrated with the fact that I don’t always see God at work, and so I have to remind myself by faith that He is at work. 1Co 3:7 - So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. So keep laboring, pray, keep inviting, and by faith believe God when he says that He will bring the increase.