Sunday, April 5, 2009
“He behaved himself wisely.”
As we study the life of David, we read in (1 Samuel 18) that David had a right relationship with God, because “he behaved himself wisely.” As Christians, God expects us to obey every “word” and “command.” David behaved wisely because God’s word was not optional, in fact in ( 1 Kings 15:5) God says that he “turned not aside from anything that the Lord commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.” We need to remember that God is always specific in His Word, and He expects us to obey every “jot and title,” and not just the parts that we feel comfortable with. God’s Word is specific about salvation being only through Jesus Christ, it is specific about baptism, tithing, holiness, sin, divorce, marriage, church, etc., and so we must be specific also. Be careful not to practice an incomplete obedience when God demands a complete one. So, “behaving ourselves wisely” demands that we not rebel against God’s Word, nor stubbornly choose our will over His. Behaving wisely then is very wise.