Sunday, April 19, 2009
Nine times in (John 15), Jesus uses the word “abide,” to illustrate to us the importance of remaining in a close fellowship with Him. He stated that he is “the true vine,” and that we who believe in Him are the “branches,” and that we cannot “bear fruit” unless our branch “abides” in the vine. This chapter has been misinterpreted by some to teach that our (our salvation) can be removed by the Father if we bear not fruit, but I thank God that Jesus didn’t teach that here. Here, Jesus is just revealing to us that the Father is pruning our lives to help us bear more fruit. So to abide in Christ, 1) We must first be saved. No salvation, means no connection in the vine of Christ. 2) We must live in His Word and obey His commandments. He said that we are “clean through the word.” The Word of God not only cleanses us in salvation but it keeps us clean in our daily walk with the Lord. Jesus promised us here that if we keep His commandments, and abide in Him and His love, that we will not only bear “much fruit,” but experience answered prayer, and a joy in the Lord that remains. He also said that “ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.” It’s hard to imagine trading of the friendship of Christ for a friendship with this world. The only reason for not experiencing the above, is by not Abiding in Christ!