Saturday, September 26, 2009
“To comfort, guide, and to abide forever.”
I still believe that inside every believer there is the desire to walk with the Lord. I also believe that the reason so many struggle in practicing such a walk, is simply because they just don’t know how! Christianity was never meant to be an up and down walk, where today we’re spiritual and tomorrow we’re not, but rather it was designed to be a consistent daily walk with and in the power of God’s Holy Spirit within. Every believer has the capability to do so, but we first must understand 3 things. 1) We need to know who the Holy Spirit is. The Bible is clear that the Spirit that indwells every believer is God. In fact, He is the Spirit of the Father, and Jesus Christ. 2) We need to know why God placed Him within. Jesus said plainly, “To comfort, guide, and to abide forever.” This is a great comfort, knowing that He will never leave us. It was the Father’s promise to keep us saved, and its His Word, not our obedience that keeps us saved. 3) We need to know what He’s doing within. The Holy Spirit is the agent of salvation. He is the one who washes us clean in the blood of Christ, who indwells us, baptizes us into the body of Christ, comforts, guides us into all truth, and that seals us until the time of our redemption . Seeing that He does so much for us, ought we not to walk in His Spirit, rather than in the spirit of our old flesh?