In every church’s life the time will come when it will have To make judgments in areas that affect people it loves. God has ordained in his word that the church has the authority to govern in such matters, and that such decisions are sanctioned or “bound” in heaven, if done properly (Matt. 18: 18). That’s why it’s very important that we learn to make judgments based on truth rather than on relationships. In many different passages in the Bible, God is described as “not having respect of persons” in judgment, meaning that God does not allow who people are to interfere with what his just judgment is. And like God, we too must never allow a close relationship with anyone to cloud or sway our thinking away from doing what is right, even if it is painful to all the people involved. Being partial to certain people in matters of judgment is a great sin. That’s why on Judgment day, (Rom.2:2) says that the judgment of man will be “according to truth,” and not according to who they are, or what they did in life. Relationships can cause an awful lot of pressure if we’re not careful to put God first.
In (Ex. 34:5-9) says, “The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty;” Truth is always Right!