Thursday, February 24, 2011
(Jas 2:17) “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”
What James is implying here, is that if all we have is a knowledge of the Word of God, and not practice what it says, then our faith is useless and dead. Works of righteousness must accompany our faith or the promises of God’s Word cannot be given to us. For instance, 1) In Salvation. If we read how to be saved in the Bible, and yet not do what it says to be saved, how then can we get saved? The only work that God expects the believer to do for salvation, is to repent, and receive Jesus as Savior (Ro.10:9-13). 2) In Service. What good is just knowing that we should serve God and others, and then not practice it. Good intensions will never profit anyone on the day of judgment. 3) In Submission. What good is just knowing that we need to surrender our will to God, if we don’t do it. Abraham of old submitted,” and it was counted unto him for righteousness.”