Thursday, February 24, 2011
Religious hypocrisy is wide spread,“so say and do.”
In Christianity, it’s very common for us to say that we are religious but in practice, not be. In James 1:27, James explains to the Jewish brethren that pure religion is demonstrated by the practice of loving others, and by the practice of obeying God. In other words it’s not enough to know the truth we have been called to practice the truth. 1) Visit the needy. The church has been called to watch out for one another. Visiting involves caring for people, love, and time. We have been commanded to go, and not just pray for others. 2) Love without partiality. Our calling is to love & minister to all people, regardless of race, religion, stature, or depth of sin. “For God so loved” all men, and died for them. 3) Keep yourselves unspotted. As Christians, our affect on people is greatly determined by our walk with God. Before we can effectively preach to others, we must obey God ourselves. Religious hypocrisy is wide spread,“so say and do.”