Saturday, June 13, 2009

So be careful to think before you choose to sin !

There is a principle in the Word of God in (Galatians 6:7) that says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” This is an eternal principle that simply states that for every action or choice that we make in life, there is a consequence. If our choices therefore are righteous we will reap righteous consequences, but if our choices are evil, evil consequences. We have seen from our study in the life of King David that even a righteous man after he repents of sin, still has to deal with the consequences of his sin, even though he is forgiven by God. When we choose the path of sin, we need to realize that at the end of the road lies judgment and death. No man, because of the above principle, can practice sin without consequences later. Although King David immediately repented of his sin after being confronted by the prophet of God, he still reaped the consequence of the death of his child and the judgment of God upon his family for years after. Our God is a forgiving God, but his Word will not be mocked. We need to be careful to remind ourselves that repentance does not always mean that God will remove the consequences, and while it is true that a repentant man will find mercy with God, it is also true that God is the one who ultimately decides the duration or the type consequences after we sin. So be careful to think before you choose to sin !