Sunday, May 1, 2011


(James 5: 7) “Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” This exhortation by James to the Jewish believers of his day was written in light of the truth that as we see the day of Christ approaching, there will be many that will abandon their faith because of Impatience. 1) Impatience with God. You see, God is not slow, but He is patient and longsuffering! He’s in no hurry nor does He look at things as we do. So, don’t grow frustrated with Him, rather learn to trust in Him patiently. 2) Impatience with Others. James says that impatience with others will breed “grudges.” The word grudge means to murmur about others out of frustration. People are frustrating, and so are we, but since God is very patient with us, He expects us to show the same patience toward others. It’s easy to quit on people, but not so easy to be longsuffering with them. 3) Impatience with Affliction. We must learn that affliction is God’s way of building faith. God’s end is always pity and mercy, so endure and patiently wait for Him.