Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Principle of the Forgiveness of Sin

The story of Cain and Abel in (Gen. 4) teaches us much about the way God views forgiveness. The Lord God is very clear in His Word that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission," (or forgiveness) of sin, but thank God that He has provided us a way. Cain refused to obey God, but Abel did and "obtained witness that he was a righteous man" (Heb. 11:4). 1) Abel sought God reverently. There is a difference between men that just respect God, and those that truly reverence Him. A reverent man obeys God's every command, and word. 2) Abel had a repentant heart. A repentant man does not get mad at or argue with a Holy God. He humbles himself under His every command and submits. 3) Abel found restoration. Through Abel's obedience, and by his offering, his sin was covered & his transgression forgiven. Today in Jesus, we too can be forgiven for all our sin, if we by faith trust in Jesus' blood offering for our sins