Saturday, April 13, 2013

Learn From The Wisdom Of This World

Luke (16: 9) "…for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." This verse was quoted by the Lord Jesus as he explained the parable of the unjust steward. 1) His reason was to explain to his disciples that the world many times handles their affaires better than the sons of God do, though they have not received the true riches. Wisdom comes from many places, and here Jesus says that it is a wise thing to look at the world and notice how diligent they are in the handling of their "mammon." Mammon is the Bible name for the wealth and riches of this world. The world respects money, serves money, multiplies and invests money with more return then the riches of God in the hands of saved men, and Jesus wanted us to understand and see that if we would just serve God with the same wisdom and diligence that the world does money, we too would see greater returns. 2) He also wanted us to understand that compassion and love draws men into friendship quicker than a firm hand or a judgmental spirit does. We would be wise to realize that people are drawn to compassion more than they are truth. The world knows this, but the question is, why don’t we?