Monday, May 27, 2013

Protecting Marriage In An Evil Generation

  (Matt. 24:12) "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." In the above verse, Jesus made this statement in regard to the loss of love between married people and others during the 7yr. Tribulation period, but the principle is still the same in any generation when "iniquity abounds." Iniquity is lawlessness, and a disrespect for the commandments of God. When the majority of people in any society decide to live contrary to the commanded moral laws of God, the natural result according to the above verse will be the loss of love between people. Marriage is under attack in the day in which we live because our society has decided not to listen to God and practice the immoral lifestyles that God calls sinful in the Bible, and as a result we are seeing marriage after marriage falling apart or in big trouble. Your marriage and mine is under attack in the day in which we live. The only way that it will survive is if we begin again to follow the commanded principles that God has set forth in His Word, and turn from iniquity. (Gen. 2:24) Therefore shall a man 1) leave his father and his mother, and shall 2) cleave unto his wife: and they shall 3) be one flesh.   Three eternal principles that will strengthen any love and any marriage, in any generation!