Thursday, September 5, 2013

We Know That We Ought To Be Sharing Christ


Pastor's Corner  (2Co 5:11) "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;"  This verse had a profound impact on me when I first read it a number of years ago. This was also one of the motivating factors in the Apostle Paul's life. His other motivation he stated in verse (14) "the love of Christ."  As believers we need to keep ourselves motivated when it comes to sharing Christ with others. We know two things for certain, that God loves us but also that there is coming a judgment day for all men. For those of us who are born again it will be a day of reward or loss of reward, but for the unsaved it most certainly will be a day of terror. God is love but He is also someone to be feared. We who know Jesus and His Word, know the wonderful experience of getting saved and making peace with God, but we also know that people who die without salvation go straight to Hell. Knowing this for certain, shouldn't we be more serious about helping others find their way. Brethren, our calling is to persuade men. Why, because we know both the love and the terror of the Lord. Revival meetings are coming, be motivated to invite, and come!