Sunday, December 27, 2009
Faith Promise
In order for us to be involved in Faith Promise, we need to see the vision of God, and then respond to it as God wants us to respond. The Apostle Paul, while in Troas on his 2nd missionary journey, received a vision from the Lord to go up to Macedonia and preach the gospel. A Macedonian man pleaded for Paul to come and he responded, and as a result many were saved and a church started. God seldom gives us details when He calls, but he always leads us with a vision. 1) God’s vision and call is personal. When Jesus said to “go ye into all the world,” He called for us to go personally. Personally to our world, and personally to help others reach the world of their vision. 2) God’s vision is purposeful. God’s purpose is always to lead us to people who need to be saved, and grow in the Lord. There are Macedonian men everywhere, pleading for God’s help. 3) God’s vision is pursuable. Meaning that it is do-able. Whatever God calls us to do, or whatever vision He lays on our hearts and minds, He will help us achieve. While in Macedonia, Paul and his company were beaten & jailed for their faith, but God still provided for them. Macedonian men were saved, & the gospel preached, because they responded by faith to God’s vision.