Sunday, December 27, 2009
How faithful we were in 2009
As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of another, let’s take a few moments to reflect on how faithful we were in 2009. 1) Church attendance? Were you as faithful to the house of God as you should have been? If not why not take the time right now to repent and promise God that nothing or no one will keep you from being faithful in 2010. 2) Bible reading ? It has been said that, “sin will either keep you from God’s Word, or God’s Word will keep you from sin.” You cannot blame your lack of faith and spiritual weakness on anybody but yourself. Pick up a Bible reading schedule and at least attempt to read through in 2010. 3) Prayer ? Private prayer, Wednesday night prayer meetings, prayer together as a husband and wife, or as a family, all are very important times. (James 4:2-3) “…ye have not, because you ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” In other words no prayer life = no prayers answered, and praying only when you need something for yourself, only causes you to sound selfish to God, so He refuses to answer. 4) Witnessing ? (Rom 10:14)“…and how shall they here without a preacher?” The preacher spoken of here is anyone that is saved. We have all been called to go, but all have not decided to go or preach. No one will ever get saved without hearing the gospel. Who did you witness to in 2009? 5) Giving & Serving ? Both begin by faith in the heart. How did you do in 2009? Did you tithe or tip? Did you promise God to serve and then not serve? 2010 can be a new start if you will “repent and do thy first works.” (Rev. 2:5)