Sunday, December 27, 2009
Just what is it that makes Christmas such a joyful season ? Well, it all depends on who Jesus is to you. There are a lot of people today who would like to take Jesus out of Christmas and just have a holiday, but when you remove the reason for the season all that’s left is a joyless holiday. Christmas could not be Christmas without Jesus, no more than the 4th of July could be a celebration of independence without independence. Christmas is all about JOY. Joyful in that it gives “glory to God in the highest,” because God became a man and dwelt among us. Joyful, also in that he came to bring us “peace” with God if we put our faith and trust in Jesus, and Joy because Jesus came to bring “goodwill” toward all men. 1) J OY must begin with Jesus. The world celebrates a joy that is temporary at best, but if you’re saved you have him living in your heart and you celebrate joy every day. Sure there is joy in the Christmas season, but there is a greater joy in the forgiveness of sins and in a personal relationship with Jesus. Getting saved is the greatest joy you will ever experience. 2) J O Y = in helping Others. The Bible is clear that there is a more full joy when we learn to help others. A full joy, that can only be full as we practice God’s “goodwill” toward others. 3) JO Y that involves You. You might not think that you are important to God’s joy but you are. Jesus came because of you, he died because of you, and it’s you that he wants to save and use as a vessel of goodwill. Though Joy began with Jesus, it continues on through You!